Layout Credits
This is the page where you find information on the current layout for Pint-sized Virtuoso.Version 3: Pictomancer
Version 3 of this fanlisting was originally titled Sassy Pictomancer, but after playing the game again recently I decided on changing the title to Pint-sized Virtuoso, which is something Locke calls her at one point of the game shortly after she called herself a "budding virtuoso". With the recent change to the title and after playing the iOS version of FF6, I decided to change the original sprite images to the iOS version (not that I don't love her original sprites because I absolutely DO love them), but I decided to just keep with the modern theme and show her status picture and the various sprite faces for Relm from the same version.-
Header Credits
Images: Sprites (screenshots by me), Final Fantasy Wikia
Brushes: Angelic Trust
Fonts: Century Gothic, Times New Roman
Program: Adobe Photoshop CS6
Layout Credits
Coded: XHTML 1.0 Transitional, CSS
Program: Dreamweaver
Fonts: Times New Roman, Century Gothic, Arial, Verdana, Georgia
Layout Designer: Veronica
Layout posted on March 29, 2014.