About the Series
Shin Shirayuki Hime Densetsu Pretear (The New Legend of Snow White Pretear) is an anime/manga series known simply as Pretear in the US.Summary
Himeno Awayuki is a high school freshman who's having trouble adjusting to the lifestyle intwo which she has been reluctantly thrown. Her father, Kaoru, has been pulled into the grasp of Natsue, a woman who not only controls a vast amount of wealth, but also Himeno. Himeno's dad takes the side of Natsue rather than his own flesh and blood, and Natue's two daughters aren't very fond of their new stepsister.Her new, despicable life changes, though, when she takes a shortcut to school and meets a young boy, who transports her to a fantasy world that lies on the brink of extinction. This world needs the help of the girl called Pretear, and all their hopes lie with Himeno.